BWT run for you and planet blue

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World Water Day World Water Day

Water is our Mission


BWT - For You and Planet Blue.

Water is both the elixir of life and a limited resource, but it is not always avail­able at the quality level required. BWT has there­fore set itself the task of treating existing water on site, to make it avail­able at the desired quality. We are committed to working sustain­ably, conserving the precious resources of our blue planet.
Our world-​beating exper­tise, inno­v­a­tive tech­nolo­gies and high-​quality prod­ucts enable us to supply optimum water quality to all sectors and envi­ron­ments, and to ensure the highest level of safety, hygiene and health in our daily contact with water, the elixir of life.
Water dispenser
Water dispenser


Alpine Brazil

PINK F1 triumph

Esteban Ocon and Pierre Gasly executed a double podium at the São Paulo Grand Prix in Brazil, achieving the best overall result of the season and marking a signif­i­cant mile­stone for the entire BWT Alpine Team.
BWT Porsche


BWT teams up with Phantom Global Racing for Porsche Carrera Cup Asia debut.
Alpine Team

BWT and Alpine extend their dynamic part­ner­ship with the Alpine Academy into the fast lane of 2024

BWT and Alpine extend their dynamic part­ner­ship with the Alpine Academy into the fast lane of 2024.
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BWT Prod­ucts

BWT offers a wealth of inno­v­a­tive prod­ucts and tech­nolo­gies for a wide range of appli­ca­tions, all meeting the water quality needs of private house­holds, indus­trial sites, public facil­i­ties, swim­ming pools, the Hotels & Hospi­tality sector and hospi­tals. You’ll find BWT wher­ever you come into contact with water, whether it’s clean, soft-​to-​the-​touch water at home, water to enhance the taste of food in restau­rants, or presented in the form of hydrogen as a future energy source.

Water Inno­va­tions by BWT

Inno­va­tion is our strength

To stand still means to go back­wards. For this reason, we are constantly striving to develop existing tech­nolo­gies even further and turn new ideas into ground-​breaking prod­ucts.

Our research and devel­op­ment depart­ments are focused on pioneering inno­va­tions in all the areas of water tech­nology. Our main objec­tive here is to use resources spar­ingly, set quality stan­dards and ensure that prod­ucts are fully oper­a­tional and safe.

Our compre­hen­sive exper­tise and creative inven­tive­ness are a constant source of encour­age­ment, spurring us on to set new stan­dards in water purifi­ca­tion. Which explains why we are the leading player in the Euro­pean water tech­nology market.

About BWT

Since it was founded in 1990, BWT has been dedi­cated to its vision of perfect water. Today, this passion has enabled us to become Europe’s leading water tech­nology company.

Our tech­nical exper­tise in all areas of water purifi­ca­tion makes BWT unique. Our in-​house research and devel­op­ment depart­ments, and the expan­sion of produc­tion facil­i­ties throughout Europe, have contributed signif­i­cantly to the progress we have made, with our sights perma­nently set on achieving maximum safety, hygiene and health in our daily contact with water, the elixir of life.
BWT headquarters in Mondsee, Austria BWT headquarters in Mondsee, Austria

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